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The nerve centre for the National Grid, by the very nature of its role, needs to be sure that its services and infrastructure do not let it down. For the last 18 years a Bio-Bubble system has treated the waste water 24/7, 365 days a year to an exemplary standard. Previously the waste had been treated by an RBC type plant which suffered frequent failures, probably due to the nature of the waste stream which today comes from an extremely busy office environment served by a high quality canteen facility, circa 600 workers at any one time can be present on site producing a waste that is twice the strength of normal domestic waste.

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The Bio-Bubble delivers on all counts, it produces a high quality, single figure, final effluent with respect to BOD5 and a sub 1mg/l ammonia consistently, sludge removal is an infrequent event typically every 18 months.
Back in 2003, with an increased workforce needed, The National Grid had the benefit of being able to take advantage of the Bio-Bubbles Modular design allowing the system to easily be expanded by the addition of a further treatment Reactor. This Bio-Bubble now has four Reactors drawing from the single Balance Tank, all management information can be accessed remotely, and diagnosis of occasional faults can be determined off site in advance of any engineer visit. This is particularly useful when the site has a high security status.
We think it would be true to say that the lack of interaction needed by either National Grid or Integral staff makes most people believe they are actually connected to mains drains!.